
Where and when we meet

Culm Valley Methodist Church

At 3pm

on the 1st Sunday of each even month

(February, April, June, August, October, December)

The Prospects Group at Culm Valley Methodist Church

Prospects" is a club in which learning disabled people can joyfully meet together for Christian Worship, Fellowship, music, drama, song, praise, scripture, arts and crafts.

The afternoon always ends with a most wonderful tea.

If you know of someone who might like to join us, please be assured of our warmest of warm welcomes to you all.

We are also grateful for helpers, especially if you are gifted in music, or the arts and have a warm personality.

We are all ground floor, have a safe off road car park and all assisted facilities.


If you would like more information please contact David Greet

(01884) 840942.


The group meets every other month and are a ministry group who offer bible teaching, arts and crafts and a bring and share buffet tea. We aim to enable people with learning disabilities to join in their own celebration of Christianity.

If you would like to find out more about their work visit:

Culm Valley Methodist Church has a safe car park, accessible toilets and ramps fitted for easy access.