Wellington methodist church

A warm welcome to 

Wellington Methodist Church

Waterloo Road, Wellington, TA21 8JQ

Minister - Revd Nick Lakin

Email: nicholas.lakin@methdist.org.uk

Community Outreach Worker - Helena Power

Email: helena.power66@talktalk.net

This Church is here:-

To encourage Christian worship for all people


To build people up in their Christian faith, life and service


To make Jesus known by word and deed


Please find below a list of our Sunday services, together with other information we hope you find useful.


Every Sunday    10:30am  Morning worship (with Young Church)

Third Sunday of the month

3.00 - 4.30pm Fun 4 All 

On the fourth Sunday of the month

6.30pm Searchlight café-style gathering

House groups

At present there are four local house groups that meet once a fortnight. This is a time where we can share and deepen our Christian faith in a loving and supporting environment. 


There is a weekly prayer group held on Thursday afternoons at 5pm. 

A prayer box is situated at the front of the church and a prayer board within the church, both available for anybody to use.

Toddler Group

Every Tuesday in term time a very popular Toddler group meets in the hall between 9.45am -and 11:15am. This is a lively and well supported morning where parents or carers can spend time together. For further details contact Peter and Maureen Roberts 

Clothes Swap

The clothes swap runs on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, 11.30am - 1pm, providing clothes for 0-5 year olds.

Coffee mornings

These are held at 10:00am on the 2nd Saturday of each month and host both a card and cake stalls. You will be made most welcome.  Please join us for drinks and fellowship.

Focus group

This is a ladies group which meets monthly. They enjoy a wide variety of speakers together with social evenings and refreshments. For further details contact Rowena Marrow  

Waterloo Mens Group 

This group meets monthly.  For further details contact Anthony Waite 


The church has supported a number of local and national charities in both financial and practical ways, some of which are:

All We Can (a relief & development fund), 

Methodist Homes for the Aged

Methodist Women in Britain

Churches Together in Wellington 

Wellington Street Pastors,

Taunton food bank, 


Children's Hospice

Leprosy Mission

Open Door

Alzheimers Society

As well as the above we have an annual charity which our fundraising supports.  


Our church was redeveloped some years ago and part of the vision was to provide space for the our local community to use. We are therefore fortunate to have a large hall and adjoining kitchen along with a number of smaller rooms upstairs. These are available for use either on a long-term basis or as a one-off booking. Some local organisations already use our facilities, but if you have a need please feel free to enquire with the booking secretary.

The Messenger

This is our fortnightly Church magazine which contains details of services and events in Wellington. 

(also including Dunkeswell, Milverton and Petton Churches).  

Editor: Caroline Chapman Email: wellingtonmessenger@hotmail.co.uk

For other events, please find Wellington Methodist Church on facebook.