
Twinkles Toddler Group

We are a friendly group and all babies and toddlers are welcome with parents, grandparents or carers. There are lots of toys for children to play with and to ride on as well as crafts. It is also a good opportunity to chat with others in a similar position.

The group runs on Monday and Thursday mornings from 10:00am to 12:00pm (during term time) in the upstairs hall at Tiverton United Church, St Peter Street, Tiverton EX16 6NU (a lift is available). No need to book, just pop in.

The cost is only £1.00 per family and includes a snack and tea or coffee.

Facebook: Twinkles Toddler Group

Little Stars Preschool

Our pre-school started in 2008 and the qualified staff are very experienced in caring for and teaching the children who attend.  The current Ofsted rating is 'Good' in all areas and its report highlights that, "children are confident with high self-esteem and their good behaviour shows they feel emotionally secure".

The sessions are held 9:15am to 12:15pm and 12:15pm to 3:15pm Mondays to Fridays during term time and are for children aged 2 to 4 years.

Free government-funded sessions are available (please ask for more information).

The children enjoy the fully-equipped indoor and outdoor facilities which are downstairs in Tiverton United Church, St Peter Street, Tiverton EX16 6NU.

Website: Tiverton Little Stars

Facebook: Tiverton Little Stars Pre School

Telephone: 01884 243490

E-mail: info@tivertonlittlestars.co.uk

Sunday Space

We look at Bible stories in fun and creative ways using crafts, games and music.

'Sunday Space' is usually held on the third Sunday of each month from 11:15am to 12:00pm in the upstairs hall at Tiverton United Church, St Peter Street, Tiverton EX16 6NU.

Please make enquiries to Judith on 01884 855093.

Available from ages 3 to 17 (a parent/guardian needs to remain on the premises for any child under the age of five) and free of charge.

We try, with other churches in the town and in the surrounding area, to be of service in the community, to be active witnesses to the Gospel and encourage all who are seeking to know more about the Christian faith to join in our activities.